Tour Information

Whom do I contact for a tour?

Tours are by appointment only. Contact Larry von Weigel by mail, e-mail, or fax and please include the information listed below.

Subject Line: GGC Headquarters Tour
Your Name, Chapter, Address, E-mail Address, Phone Number, Desired Tour Date, Alternate Tour Date, Desired Tour Time, Number in Group

Your tour date & time are not confirmed until you receive written confirmation from Larry von Weigel.

International Headquarters During Snow Of 2011

Larry von Weigel
International Headquarters Administrator

1618 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20009-2549

Phone: 240-618-2243
Fax: 202-462-5162

Tour Times:
9:30 – 11:30 AM
Monday through Friday – Except Holidays **

3-D Virtual Tour

**No tours on these dates
2025 Holidays observed by the International Headquarters in Washington, DC
Wednesday January 1 New Year’s Day
Monday January 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Inauguration Day
Monday February 17 President’s Day
Friday April 18 Good Friday
Monday May 26 Memorial Day
Thursday June 19 Juneteenth
Friday July 4 Independence Day
Monday September 4 Labor Day
Monday October 13 Indigenous People’s Day
Tuesday November 11 Veterans’ Day
Thursday November 27 Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday-Friday December 25-26 Christmas Holiday
Thursday January 1, 2026 New Year’s Day